Responsible Wai Lin Tun
Last Update 01/05/2024
Completion Time 1 day 1 hour 29 minutes
Members 29
  • Introduction
    • Instruction and Disclaimer
    • FlexiQuiz Instruction
    • Detail Timetable
  • Teaching Materials
    • Instructor Wai Lin Tun Materials
    • Instructor U Min Han Tun Materials
    • Instructor Daw Cho Cho Wai Materials
    • Shortcut Key Note Materials
  • Quiz
    • Week 1 Quiz
    • Week 2 Quiz
    • Test for Week1 BI Statistics
    • Test for Week 2 BI Statistics
    • Test for Week 3 BI Statistics
  • Excel Theory Exercise
    • Excel Note
    • Excel Shortcut Keys
    • Exercise & Complete File
    • Materials
  • Excel Intro
    • Excel Essential Intro+ Excel interface, sheet, options setup
  • Excel Shortcuts
    • Excel Shortcut Part-1
    • Excel Shortcut Part-2
    • Group and Shortcut Part-1
    • Group and Shortcut Part-2
    • Text to columns
  • What if Analysis
    • One Variable Data Table
    • Two Variable Data Table
    • Data Table Case with Conditional Formatting
    • Data Table Case
    • Goal Seek Function
  • Data Visualization and Charts Best Practices
    • Data Visualization
    • Dos and Don't of Charts
    • Excel Formatting Ribbons
  • Chart Types
    • Chart Types Part 1
    • Chart Types Part 2
    • Chart Types Part 3
  • Case Study 1: Stacked Columns Targets
    • Target Vs Actual Part 1
    • Target Vs Actual Part 2
  • Case Study 2: Pareto Analysis
    • Pareto Part 1
    • Pareto Part 2
  • Case Study 3: Dropdown Boxes and Charts
    • Dropdown Part 1
    • Dropdown Part 2
    • Waterfall
    • Funnel Chart
    • Heat Map
  • Case Study 4: Gauge Charts
    • Gauge Chart Part 1
    • Gauge Chart Part 2
    • Gauge Chart Part 3
    • Gauge Chart Part 4
    • Gauge Chart Part 5
  • Case Study 5: Bullet Charts
    • Bullet Chart
  • Zoom records
    • 20231122 Professional diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Instructor Min Han Tun
    • 20231129 Professional diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Wai Li
    • 20231203 Professional diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Wai Li
    • 20231206 Professional diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Dr Cho Cho Wai
    • 20231210 Professional diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Min Han
    • 20231213 Professional Diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Dr Ch
    • 20231220 Professional Diploma in Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Instructor Dr Cho
    • 20231227 Professional Diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1 Dr Cho Cho Wai
    • 20240103 Professional Diploma In Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Batch 1Instructor Wai Lin T