Excel For Professionals : Shwe Gon Dine Hosptial
Responsible | Administrator |
Last Update | 05/23/2023 |
Completion Time | 7 hours 22 minutes |
Members | 26 |
Excel Essential Intro+ Excel interface, sheet, options setup
Instruction and Disclaimer
Shortcut Key
Pre Assignment
Final Assignment
Teaching Materials
Excel Workbook
Theory Video
Excel Shortcut Part-1
Excel Shortcut Part-2
Group and Shortcut Part-1
Group and Shortcut Part-2
Text to columns
Excel Exercise
Introduction + Formatting Part-1
Formatting Part-2
Remove Duplicate Function
Data Validation
Pivot Table Part-1
Pivot Table Part-2
Pivot Ribbon
Pivot Chart
Slicer Timeline
Conditional Formatting
Introduction + Date
Workday Part-1
Workday Part-2
Left & Right
Index Match
Large + small + index + condition
Power Point
1 Excel Essential Powerpoint Introduction
2 Excel Essential Pitching Intro
3 Excel Essential Powerpoint Layout Overview
4 Excel Essential Guidelines, Slide Master, Section Divider
Video Record
20230306 Excel For Professionals SSC Hospital Min Han Tun, CFA
Adding Captions to Figures and Tables
Adding Table of Contents
Adding Table of Figures
Applying Headings to the Document
Choosing Navigation Pane
Cross Referencing Documents
Editing the Heading Styles
Inserting Footnotes to the Documents
Microsoft Word Intro
Numbering the Document Headings