Responsible Administrator
Last Update 05/23/2023
Completion Time 5 hours 32 minutes
Members 23
  • Introduction
    • Rule and Regulation
  • Assignment
    • Pre Assignment
    • Final Assignment
  • Suport Materials
    • Workbook
    • Shortcuts
  • Theory Video Lesson
    • Excel Shortcut Part-1
    • Excel Shortcut Part-2
    • Group and Shortcut Part-1
    • Group and Shortcut Part-2
    • Text to columns
    • Excel Exercise
    • Introduction + Formatting Part-1
    • Formatting Part-2
    • Remove Duplicate Function
    • Data Validation
    • Pivot Table Part-1
    • Pivot Table Part-2
    • Pivot Ribbon
    • Pivot Chart
    • Slicer Timeline
    • Conditional Formatting
    • Spark-line
    • Introduction + Date
    • Workday Part-1
    • Workday Part-2
    • Left & Right
    • Index Match
    • Vlookup
    • Index+Vlookup+Format
    • Sumif+Sumifs+Condition
    • Large + small + index + condition
  • Power Point
    • 1 Excel Essential Powerpoint Introduction
    • 2 Excel Essential Pitching Intro
    • 3 Excel Essential Powerpoint Layout Overview
    • 4 Excel Essential Guidelines, Slide Master, Section Divider
  • Word
    • Adding Captions to Figures and Tables
    • Adding Table of Contents
    • Adding Table of Figures
    • Applying Headings to the Document
    • Choosing Navigation Pane
    • Cross Referencing Documents
    • Editing the Heading Styles
    • Inserting Footnotes to the Documents
    • Microsoft Word Intro
    • Numbering the Document Headings