Last Update 05/10/2024
Completion Time 1 day 8 hours 44 minutes
Members 14
  • Introduction
    • Instruction & Disclaimer
    • FlexiQuiz Instruction
  • Teaching Materials
    • CIA Book
    • Teaching Materials
  • Exam Quiz
    • Certified Internal Audit Part-I Applicable Guidance Quiz
    • CIA Part-I Foundations of Internal Auditing :Ethics - Introduction and Principles
    • CIA Part-1 Independence,Objectivity
    • Study Unit 1: Foundations of Internal Auditing | Subunit 4: Ethics Objectivity
    • Study Unit 1: Foundations of Internal Auditing | Subunit 5: Ethics -- Confidentiality
    • Study Unit 1: Foundations of Internal Auditing | Subunit 6: Ethics -- Competency
    • Study Unit 1: Foundations of Internal Auditing | Subunit 7: Internal Audit Charter
    • Study Unit 2 Internal Audit Resources Quiz
    • Study Unit 3: Subunit 2: Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP)
    • Study Unit 4: Governance Subunit 1: Governance Principles
    • Study Unit 5: Risk Management | Subunit 1: Risk Management Processes
  • Zoom Records
    • 20231112 Certified Internal Auditor Part 1 Batch 2 Instructor Aung Kay Thi
    • 20231203 Certified Internal Auditor Part 1 Batch 2 Instructor Aung Kay Thi
    • 20231210 Certified Internal Auditor Part 1 Batch 2 Instructor Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240107 Certified Internal Auditor Batch 2, Instructor Tr Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240114 Certified Internal Auditor Batch 2, Instructor Tr Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240121 Certified Internal Auditor Batch 2, Instructor Tr Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240128 Certified Internal Auditor Batch 2, Instructor Tr Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240218 Certified Internal Auditor Batch-2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240225 Certified Internal Auditor Batch-2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240303 Certified Internal Auditor Batch-2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240317 Certified Internal Auditor Batch-2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Th
    • 20240324 Certified Internal Auditor Batch-2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Thi
    • 20240331 Certified Internal Auditor Batch 2, Instructor Tr. Aung Kay Thi