Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch-3

Advanced Financial Statements Analysis course addresses the more complex and higher-level accounting and financial concepts that are faced by corporates. With the growing sizes of corporations, organizations tend to trade in multiple currencies, tax rates, deal with subsidiaries, joint ventures, and intercompany transactions, and deal with more complex capital structures.

Responsible Administrator
Last Update 05/16/2023
Completion Time 10 hours 58 minutes
Members 26
  • Introduction
    • Rule & Regulation and Disclaimer
  • Suport Materials
    • Teaching Materials : Dr. Hla Theingi
  • Zoom Video Record
    • 20230402 Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch 3
    • 20230423 Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch 3
    • 20230430 Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch 3
    • 20230507 Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch 3
    • 20230514 Advanced Financial Statement Analyst Batch 3